Upon its debut, Google’s chatbot Bard dealt a cold blow to its very creator.



A few weeks after its introduction, Google’s new chatbot, Bard, was officially launched. However, this new AI chatbot has caused its creators to worry about their market power in digital advertising. A screenshot of Bard’s conversation with Jane Manchun Wong, a tech blogger in Hong Kong, shows that the chatbot seems to agree with the US Department of Justice’s antitrust lawsuit against Google in the digital advertising field. Bard stated in the conversation with Wong that “the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Google is an important step towards protecting competition and ensuring that consumers have access to an open and fair market. I will stand with the Department of Justice in this lawsuit. Google has a monopoly position in the advertising market, and this allows the company to engage in anti-competitive behavior…”

Google’s chatbot Bard

The lawsuit referred to here is the lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice and several state judges against Google in January of this year. Essentially, the lawsuit alleges that Google has used its power to dominate digital advertisers and force them to depend on it. In response to the lawsuit, Google said in a statement that “no one is forced to use our advertising technology – they choose to use it because it is effective. In fact, publishers and advertisers often work simultaneously with multiple advertising technologies to reach more customers and make more money.” Dan Taylor, Google’s global advertising vice president, said.

In an interview with Business Insider about Bard’s response, a Google representative said the chatbot “can reflect positive or negative views of specific politicians, celebrities, or public figures, or even the aggregate views of multiple aspects of controversial political or social issues in its responses.”

“As we’ve said, sometimes Bard may provide inaccurate or inappropriate information, not represent Google’s viewpoint, and Bard should not respond in favor of a specific viewpoint on related topics.” Google’s statement added.

Business Insider also asked Bard similar questions to Wong’s and received similar responses, though not word for word. However, a common point in many of Bard’s answers was the phrase “I will stand with…” followed by a stance on the issue.

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