Creating 97 books within 9 months with the assistance of AI



Author Tim Boucher, with the assistance of several AI tools, has published 97 fantasy books within a span of 9 months.

Boucher revealed that each book has a length of approximately 2,000-5,000 words and contains around 40-140 AI-generated illustrations. Thanks to AI tools, Boucher only takes about 6-8 hours to create each book, with some even requiring only 3 hours. This book series is currently being sold by the author online at a price range of 1.99-3.99 USD.

Science fiction author Tim Boucher also revealed the use of ChatGPT and Claude to brainstorm ideas and write content, while employing the AI image generator MidjTHER to create illustrations for the books.

According to Tim Boucher, AI allows authors to delve into the construction of complex worlds efficiently, increasing productivity while maintaining consistent quality.

The book market has recently witnessed the emergence of numerous AI-generated works. In February, Amazon’s book store featured over 200 titles that credited ChatGPT as the author or co-author, with the most popular genres being AI guidebooks and children’s books.

Ammaar Reshi, the product design director of a fintech company based in San Francisco, disclosed that he had used ChatGPT and Midjourney to write and illustrate a children’s book named “Alice and Sparkle” within a 72-hour timeframe.

Some individuals express dissatisfaction with how AI image generation uses their artworks, while others raise concerns about the quality of content produced by AI.

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