
Elon Musk’s satellites has been warned that it could ‘crash’ into the Earth like an asteroid.



The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has issued a warning about the risk of the Starlink satellites falling to Earth, which could pose a danger to the general public and threaten the aviation industry.

A recently released report from the U.S. government has issued a warning regarding the risk of the Starlink satellite falling to Earth, which could pose a danger to the general public and threaten the aviation industry.

Specifically, in the report from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a scenario was presented as “The sky may not fall on us, but the satellites might.”

According to the report, by the year 2035, SpaceX will significantly increase the number of satellites within its Starlink system. At that time, these devices will reenter the Earth’s atmosphere after reaching the end of their operational lifespan. The remaining debris is expected to reenter and fall to Earth, with an estimated 28,000 fragments per year.

The report estimates the level of potential damage, suggesting that every two years, one person on the ground may be affected (injured or killed) by debris from the satellites.

The aviation industry is also impacted by this threat, albeit at a very low level, with a projected aircraft crash rate due to satellite debris of 0.07% by 2035.

From 2019 to October of this year, SpaceX has deployed over 5,200 Starlink satellites to establish a massive “satellite constellation” in low Earth orbit. The company plans to launch a total of 42,000 satellites worldwide to provide internet connectivity from space to Earth.

However, the lifespan of each Starlink satellite is only 5 years, which means there will be a significant number of satellites ceasing operations both currently and in the future. SpaceX intends to deorbit these satellites and completely burn them up in the atmosphere.

In response to the FAA report, SpaceX strongly disagrees and asserts that it is misguided to believe that thousands of debris fragments will wreak havoc on Earth and pose harm to humans.

SpaceX states that the Starlink satellites are designed to burn up completely when they reenter Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, these devices do not pose a risk to humans or property on the ground. To date, over 325 satellites have been intentionally destroyed using this method, and there have been no reports of debris found on the ground or any injuries or fatalities.

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