
Rumors have been circulating about a live-action film about GTA, the creator of the series spoke out to confirm one thing.



Rumors have been circulating about a live-action film about GTA, the creator of the series spoke out to confirm one thing.

With the brand’s popularity, it’s understandable that fans are eagerly anticipating a GTA film. Two of the most shocking pieces of news in the gaming world last week were Nintendo’s announcement of a live-action film based on The Legend of Zelda franchise and Rockstar’s promise to unveil the release roadmap for GTA 6 in December. While seemingly unrelated, recently there has been a surprising rumor circulating online that GTA 6 will serve as a stepping stone for Rockstar and Take-Two to release a film specifically for this franchise.

Fundamentally, this is entirely feasible as, alongside its immersive role-playing elements that attract a large player base, GTA is also renowned for its storytelling, setting, and notably, a plethora of iconic main characters throughout the game series. This material is sufficient to launch a cinematic work, and GTA fans have every reason to look forward to it. However, Take-Two’s CEO, Strauss Zelnick, quickly denied this and admitted that they are not interested in any film projects in the near future.

The reason was promptly given right after. Essentially, Take-Two could invest its own money to make a film or a series about GTA, and its chances of success would be significant. However, the publisher seems unenthusiastic about venturing into this new field because it would consume a lot of time and effort. Licensing the brand to a third party to develop a film project is also not worth mentioning because even if the film generates significant buzz, the revenue that Take-Two would receive wouldn’t be substantial, especially when compared to the earnings they have already generated from the GTA brand, particularly during the past decade of milking GTA 5. In summary, from Take-Two’s perspective, producing a film or film series about GTA would not yield profitable results.

Therefore, despite the strong desire, it is highly unlikely that GTA fans will have the opportunity to witness a cinematic work based on this franchise in the future. However, everything can change over time, especially as the trend of adapting games into films has seen significant success recently, as exemplified by the cases of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Last of Us.

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